Terms & Conditions

Kampala Run participants will be running/walking at their desired locations, the distance of their choice any time over the scheduled Kampala Run weekend. Estimated time and distance as well as a picture of the running / walking area will be uploaded on the website. All participants agree to abide by these terms & conditions and comply with all reasonable directions and decisions made by the organizers of Kampala Run.
Terms and Conditions – Registration
  • The official registration form must be completed fully by each intending participant. Completion of the registration form and payment of the registration fee represents acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  • Registration application will only be processed after receipt of full payment of the Registration fee prescribed.
  • Registered participants are entitled to a shirt and a medal upon registration. Participants are liable for any shipping charges associated with the delivery of their t-shirt & medal.
  • There is no prize money in this virtual fun run / walk.
  • Participants must be capable of completing the run / walk distance chosen at sign-up. It is their responsibility to undertake the necessary preparation and training required for their run / walk distance. By registering to our event, runners agree that on their chosen run / walk day they will be fit and healthy enough to participate in the run / walk unaided. If in doubt, please seek medical advice.
  • Participants take cognizance of the fact that running is a strenuous activity and will result in physical exhaustion. They enter the run / walk at their own risk and shall discharge the organizers, sponsors and partners for any loss due to injury, illness, or equipment damage incurred as a result of their participation. On the event days, the participants will be responsible for their personal safety including but not limited to: the running / walking route they choose to run / walk on and its associated risks, their running times, hydration along the running routes.
  • Participants under the age of 18 must always be accompanied by a responsible adult who has agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of the event. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian of the registrant to ensure that participants can complete the distance. The parents or guardians will take full responsibility and liability for minors participating in the event.

Terms and Conditions – Participation
  • Participants will take up the personal responsibility of complying with the guidelines set by authorities in their respective regions for the management of COVID-19 and participate in adherence to them. The Kampala Run event waives all liability for any misconduct undertaken by the participants during their participation.
  • The Organizers of Kampala Run recommend participants to consider having suitable sports activity insurance cover in place in the event of any illness, accident, injury, or damage caused during the event.
  • Participants are advised to run/walk through their chosen routes before the official event days to familiarize themselves with the route and any risks associated with it
  • All participants and especially those taking part in the long-distance runs / walks are advised to make necessary personal arrangements for their hydration and recharging during their run / walk.
  • It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure their email address and any other required details provided, are correct. There will be no liability on the organizer’s part if the information is incorrect or incomplete.
  • If the participant does not complete the run or submit their results in the required timelines, no certificate will be issued.
  • Participants also consent to allow the Organisers to communicate with them via post, email, text, phone, or other methods before or after the event day. Participants are informed to visit https://www.kampala.run/privacy-policy/ for further details on the Data Privacy Statement.
  • The participant agrees to follow any rules or instructions provided to them by the Organizers as may be communicated via the event website, by email or any other means of communication.

It is the responsibility of the participant to familiarize themselves with the event’s terms, the run / walk formats, and any directions on the Kampala Run website or communicated to them in any other form.
I have read, confirm, and agree upon the following:
  • I have read the Terms and Conditions of the Kampala Run (link) and agree to participate on the understanding that I will adhere to all the provisions stated therein for the event.
  • I understand the risk of participating including risks associated with hydration, vehicle traffic on route. I will hydrate as much as possible to avoid any de-hydration.
  • I understand that I must be of, and must train to, an appropriate level of fitness to participate in the event.
  • I understand it is my responsibility not to litter in the running routes at any given point.
  • Incase I am running / walking in a group, I will always adhere to Covid 19 protocols
  • I am physically fit and capable of participating in Kampala Run and I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical practitioner.
  • I, for myself and my legal representatives, waive all claims whatsoever, against any and all sponsors of the event, Kampala County, all political entities, authorities and officials, all contractors and construction firms working on the event, all Kampala Run Organizing Committee persons, officials and volunteers and all other persons and entities associated with the event and the directors, employees, agents and representatives of all or any of the aforementioned including, without limitation, any claims that might result from my participation in the event and whether on account of illness, injury, accident, death or otherwise.
  • The terms and conditions of Entry and participation and the clauses of the indemnity apply to all members of a group on whose behalf I am signing.
  • If I have under my care or control children below 18 years of age participating in the Event, then I shall ensure that they are accompanied at all times by a responsible adult and understand that the terms and conditions of Registration and Participation and the clauses of the indemnity apply to such children. The parents or guardians will take full responsibility and liability for the minors participating in the event.
  • I hereby declare that the date and information provided on the entry form is true and correct.
  • By electronically submitting this form, I agree and confirm that I accept all terms and conditions.

For details on our Refund or Delivery Policies, please visit the associated pages:

We are always happy to hear back from the community.

Action Marketing Plus
+254 712005005
[email protected]